Dedicated to being the premier horizontal cased-hole completions providers to the oil and gas industry, the independent wireline company has successfully become the largest in the United States. The company is employee-owned in that, it is a great place to work in and be able to give back to the employee. With a variety of services offered and delivery of the most innovative products, the company has successfully operated with top producers in the United States.

  • Employees welfare

All employees want to work in an environment where they are respected and are treated humanely. Renegade Wireline Services has made their working conditions favorable to work in. The employees have health insurance, they have good salaries and there is job security. The company offers growth and advancement as one is allowed to work in different areas therefore, no monotony. It is a great place to start your career, as the tools for work are provided.

  • Safety concerns

The safety of employees against anything hazardous is a key objective of the company. They offer basic tools of work, including helmets and masks; to prevent inhaling the chemical and biological hazards. Days off duty are guaranteed to prevent psychological hazards like overwork. This has made the oil and gas company so reputable for its concerns on the employees’ welfare. The benefits in this company that an employee enjoys are health insurance, life insurance, prescription drug plan, short-term disability, and dental and vision plan. A health and occupational safety program that conforms to the best practices of an organization, is maintained. Prevention of injuries and illness-induced when working is given priority over production operations, whenever necessary.

  • Wages and remuneration

After all the hard work you’ve put in and the time you’ve invested in the company, you are entitled to a good salary. The wireless service company pays per hour depending on the level and status you are in. A good salary not only motivates an employee but also prompts excellent job performance. Over-time if indicated, is also salaried as sometimes a lot of work can be given to an employee.


If you would like to know more about the oil and gas industry, it is advisable to join the team of employees at the wireline service. The exposure you get will make you qualified for a greater position. The company’s safety measures make it ideal for working with.